Palestine in Focus

From the Editor

Since its inception, MiC has been committed to battling misinformation and colonialist narratives. MiC's commitment to progressive journalism informs “Palestine in Focus,” an expanding page that spotlights our news coverage, commentary and art centering Palestinian liberation. As future journalists, we have a moral obligation to bring attention to imbalances in power — to report on conflicts with historical context that centers truth, equity and moral clarity. We hope that this page can be part of a new reckoning — one that seeks to dismantle oppression and the language that justifies it while uplifting the people of Palestine.

Read the full "Palestine in Focus" editorial

Palestine in Focus

Michigan in Color is The Michigan Daily's section by and for People of Color. In this space, we invite our contributors to be vulnerable and authentic about our experiences and the important issues in our world today. Our work represents our identities in a way that is both unapologetic and creative. We are a community that reclaims our stories on our own terms.

Designed by Atul Gera

Home page photo taken by Maryam Shafie